13 May 2007

.....Walk apon Englands rain-drenched shores.....

Well, I had auditions for Twelfth Night today, at my school, 17 of us turned up, but unfortunately more girls than boys..... hmmmm, should make for fun casting.
Auditions went well, speant the first hour doing warm up exercises, with Mr H. putting the emphasis on physicality rather than on the words, which is good, but without understanding what the words mean the physicality is hard to do. Meh well....
Then we went of for about half an hour and prepared an audition piece from the extracts he had given. I did a piece with Olivia, Feste and Malvolio.
We then had a short break, after which we prepared a second peice.
I read for Maria, which was great fun, I was the only one who put in the flirting with Sir Toby Belch.
The return journey was .... interesting. 5 miles in the pouring rain..... I'm still cold.

I start work experience tomorrow. Homerton Nursery School, I puzzle my Deputy head when he found out, he didn't think it was the sort of thing I'd do. So that was fun, we had a good talk abotu what I might do, i said if i was going to go into teaching I would so it at scoundary level or A level, he asked me whether I had considered a career in teaching.
I'm not sure, not if its anything like what i had to do the first three years of secoundary school in ict.......

But meh, I'm looking forwad to it, little children are a lot less complicated than people my age. I just hope its not raining as badly again, I'm so cold!!!!

There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.
Anatole Boyard

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