02 May 2007


Still not convinced that anyone actually reads this but hey! I will carry on posting anyway, i have little else to do.

Well, the 23rd of March brought me to my 15th year on this earth, erm.... my fifteenth year anywhere actually........ And with it an envelope from my local doctors cordially inviting me for a meeting to dicuss my wellbeing and stick a needle in my arm.
And after a month and a bit of procrastinating, forgetting and procrastinating some more I went along to the sugery for the afformentioned meeting.
Met with a very nice practice nurse, who proceeded to ask me questions: had I slept with anyone (no), taken illegal drugs (never had the opportunity :( :P), smoked (no-asthmatic), had alcohol (yes but not in excess, my parents were there!!!), and whether i ate properly(erm, yes, of course.......)
She then proceeded to give me "necessary" injection, now, you must understand, i dont dislike the needle part, I'm so used to it that I dont mind, no, what I hate is after the injection, the annoying ache in my arm that prevents me from playing my xylophone, or raising my arm, or knocking agains anything without wincing in pain.
Then weighed me: I've lost 3.8 (whatever they measure it in) since i was last weighed!
And measured my height: 5'4"

so that about covers it, sorry to anyone that does actually read this, im bored and have nothing else to do, and nothing else has happened to me!

Well apart from my art exam today, which went ok, i didn't finish, which is good because i have a further 5 hours to finish off my piece, and only about 1/2 an hours work to do! I speant most of the last hour decorating the tape which is holding my paper to the bored with pretty patterns in gold pen.

Tonight, im off for tea with my youth leader in about an hour, and then babysitting, should give me a chance to finish my biology, meh, i hate stats, and i have no one to ask if i get stuck.......... The people i would ask are: a)at school only on mobile contact
b)at bible study
c) oo, no dad's around, il ask him!!!

anyway, this is the end of a (slightly) random post.


The greater our awareness of intentions, the greater our freedom to choose. --Gil Fronsdal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I'm reading - what's more, I can do stats... - hope you've sorted it by now though.