27 May 2007


Well a decent enough day, went to help out a church creche this morning, ended up getting roped in by Andy to help with Trekkers on the Case instead. Twas fun, nothing I really had to think about, providing a welcome relief.
Then sat and talked to Andy after the service, was good, talking about friends and such, it was nice to talk, I've been running low on people to talk to recently. Ended up staying for the next service, mostly because it had started and we were still talking.
Service was ok, I wasn't really that focused on it really, Alfie (Andy's 9 month old) is not the quietest of babies, and that coupled with me already being indisposed to concentrate meant that I wasn't really feeling spiritual.
Got home, lunch, mucked about on my computer, ate christmas pudding, considered going for a run. I still want to go, but it's late. I'l go in the morning, or possibly for a cycle.
I have a sleepover i'm going to tomorrow, I dont really want to go, which is ridiculous, i complain about not having friends, and then when i do get invited somewhere i dont want to go!
Went for a cycle with Ruth yesterday, was cut short when my back tire got a puncture, had to get dad to pick us up from Melbourn. Will go again later in the week.
Have to remember to get dad to sort out my bed tomorrow, stripped it day before yesterday, so it currently has neither blanket nor sheet! I'd do it myself, but i cant manage the blanket, it never lies flat.
Anyway, early start tomorrow, have a paper round and am determined to get fit! fed up of not being!
If you lived here, you'd be home by now
Girl, Interrupted

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