26 May 2007

Short and Sweet

Well, yesterday was my last day of work experience, it was so sad, i almost cried. They gave me a box of roses(the chocolate) and a card they had made which had pictures of when i did a session with my xylophone for the children! Inside there are pictures of every single one,with their names as well, its brilliant!!!!
I really enjoyed my work experience, it isnt something i'd do as an actual job, but it was fantastic for two weeks!

I got a non-speaking role in the shakespeare, but oh well. acting is full of disappointments.

I seem to be getting busier and busier this half term, i have a sleepover monday to tuesday which i'm really not sure i want to go to, punting and cycling with my friend james who is coming down from colchester. and fitting in a physics project and a textiles objective, oh the joys!

Ok, nothing much esle to write.


Life is only given once to the body, but the soul has eternity to reflect on life

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