12 May 2007

European Politics....

After having spent an 'enjoyable' evening with my sisters whatching the Eurovision Song contest, one would expect that I would follow it with my views about it.
However I feel that my elder sister's (ruth's) soon to be written post detailing our comments throughout, highly edited I hope! will be posted soon, and i feel that she can do our conversation better justice (and she has the notes!).

I would like to point out a few things though : 1) Israel is not part of Europe..... **looks confused**
2) Why dont they show us the Eurovision Song Contest when they are trying to teach us about European politics......

Finally, i would just like to say, most of the conversations took place when my little sister was out of the room! She can corrupt herself on her own....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John and I spent a very enjoyable evening shouting at the television... Mostly demanding "Why!?" every time Serbia were awarded 12 points! (Latvia were my favourites - men incomprehensibly wearing top hats and carrying roses...)