21 August 2007

Ceroc, music and meaningless kipple

Went jive dancing last night with Ruth, exellent fun, fast, but really easy to pick up. The whole basis of it is the dance is completely lead by the guy, so i just have to follow, making it a lot easier for me! Did about four hours of pretty much continuous dancing, and the only problem this morning is blisters, which means four hours whithout problems with either my knees or my back! Those drugs actually work! (I went to the doctorsd after sidmouth about back pain and he gave me bright pink ibuprofen!! :) It was nice to know that various moves i had done before when dancing with either Steve or Tom were either the same or similar to ones i was dancing there, which meant i wasn't at a complete loss. The evening took the basic form of, beginners class where they teach a short routine, rotating the women round every few minutes as, like usual when dancing, there weren't enough guys, so different people sat out each time. Then freestyle, which was ok, didn't dance much, just sat and watched in awe, really want to be able o dance this well, it looks really good when danced well! Then either an intermediate class or begginner refresher class, which went through the same stuff as the original begginners class slower, and with more information about technique, also teaching about various signals which the guy uses to tell the girl what to do next.
Then freestyle again, danced every dance but one, and had great fun, most partners were really good about doing simpler stuff as i was a begginner, and some would teach me the moves if i got it wrong then do it again. So much fun!!

I am going again on wednesday, mum and dad have agreed to fund twice a week for a few weeks, then once a week, provided i use it for my Duke of Edinburgh, well I'm not complaining, i get to dance!!!

On music, Mum and Dad are looking for a concertina for me, that isn't £800, so if anyone has an english concertina they dont want, even if it needs restoring let me know! Theres a session on a monday that mum wants me to go along to, so during term i shall probably do that on a monday and Ceroc on wednesdays, and if i can persuade them, the university ballroom dance thing as well.... hmm, im actually going to have a life next year!

And meaningless kipple, i have been decorating my wall, mostly due to lack of funds to get it re-painted and dislike of the colour it is at the moment (lilac, i chose it 5 years ago!). I have covered it in pictures from all the animal picture magazines i have been given over the years (the daily mail did a series a while back) and am currently writing quotes up, if anybody know any nice quotes please leave a comment with them in, and who they are by, thanks! My wall tends to get more detailed each holiday as i get bored and do it some more, then have school and no time, so nothing happens until the next holiday!

Well this post is long enough so i leave you with:

In the end we remember not the words or our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

fotherington said...

I've always liked "You must be the change you want to see in the world" - attributed to Gandhi, and "Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit
without individual responsibility" - Ambrose Bierce

Ceroc is fun - I did a couple of classes a while ago. Steve H is much more into it, though!