12 August 2007

Sidmouth! (Part 2 of 3)

Found out that I had got into the concertina workshop run by John Dipper, excellent first session, if a little slow, i had worked out how to play the scale in about 15 mins, and he took the hour teaching it. But it was still fun, and i really enjoy playing it! Then went to a talk at the Woodlands Hotel with Manon, about the laws you have to follow as a performer, and all the paperwork involved, interesting, and a bit scary just how beurocratic our country is! Speant the afternoon with Manon and Peter-Paul, as they stewarded the Arts Centre, had several nice cups of tea. Went to the evening concert in the Ham, Eliza Carthy and the Ratcatchers, alright, but not my favourite, and ended up leaving early, due to a fever! To put it in perspective, the Ham Marquee is about 40 degrees, and I was shivering! Went back to the tent and rested then went off to LNE, danced a Boureé with Tom, we were supposed to dance a Boureé de jeunesse, but instead danced a boureé de ligne instead, much more fun!
It was the first night I stayed up after LNE and was great fun, a group of us, Ruth, Tom, Justin (i think), Manon and Joe stayed up until about four thirty! Having the most random conversations, which went from the mundane (cooking, dancing) to the insane (ceilidh karma sutra). I tried whiskey for the first time, Laphroaig, apparently, was odd, but quite nice, warmed you up considerably! We all went to bed about 4:30, having decided to meet at 9 to have breakfast with Tom's friend Steve (who had no idea of this!). And then head of to a contra workshop.

Dawned, but we already knew that as we were up to see it! And we went of to meet Tom and Manon for breakfast, Tom's friend steve wasn't up yet so we headed off to catch the bus and have food in town. Having missed the bus we headed off to see if steve were up, he was so we went back, and had coffer (or tea in my case) with him. After having made an executive desision that i was too tired and hungry to go to my workshop i stayed for breakfast, a very nice meal or tomato, bacon and spam!
We then went to a playford workshop and speant a lot of it mucking about, but we ahd fun, I kept nicking tom's hat, and we passed it randomly round the dance floor! Although some of the older people got annoyed with me and tom because we kept mucking up the dances!
Had lunch with tom, ruth and steve (lovely burgers from the bedford hotel) and saw tom off on the bus home, then sat having drinks in a bus stop seeing as we thought it was almost certainly illegal.
Speant the afternoon once again with Manon and Peter-Paul doing pretty much nothing.
In the evenign i went to the Black Tie Ceilidh in the Blackmore Gardens which was great fun! The range of people from those who took it seriously, to those who turned up in normal clothes with a token black tie, i went in between, with my black halter-neck, a bright blue cummerbund(sp?) black and white over the knee socks and fancy shoes, oh and the token black tie of course!
Then went to LNE dressed like that, except for the tie which i had borrowed from Chris under threat of painful death if i lost it! LNE wasn't as good, mostly because Whapweasel were playing, and although they were very good, there were way too many people there to do any decent dancing, went to bed at about 1:30 due to tiredness.

Concertina Workshop as usual, cant remember most of the afternoon, but met up with Steve, and Ruth and various other of Steves friends for tea at a lovely tea shop a ltitle way along the coast. I had to leave early from that to get the bus with Jen to Sidford for a Fench Dancing Workshop, panicked because I lost my purse, but borrowed some money of dad.
The workshop was quite good, although th teacher wasn't the best. The following bal was quite fun, though more that 2 An Dro's ( and the other one which ic ant remember the name of) gets a little boring.
Left early, to catch the bus back, but ended up with a lift from manon and peter-paul, six of us in a car designed to take four! was a bit of a squish.
LNE was fun, but i had to leave early because my back was hurting too much.

In every community, there is work to be donw
In every nation, there are wounds to heal
In every heart, there is the power to do it
Marianne Williamson


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