25 February 2007

To update....

Having not posted for a while, i decided it was time to update.

I have had a relatively busy weekend, and going out on Friday night completely threw my internal clock. I don't usually go out on Fridays, so when i do, it feels like Saturday, Saturday feels like Sunday, making me completely confused. Oh well.

Friday night was great, I went to a christian concert thing, but it was more like an extended worship session, because there was a talk as well. The speaker was great, although at some points she really touched a nerve, but still brilliant.
The songs were good, but the worship was slightly too (not sure if this is the right word but...) evangelical, for what I'm used too, it was a bit like the church i used to go to, but having not been there in almost a year, I'm not used to it anymore.
But i still enjoyed it so... plus i actually got invited somewhere which was like yay! There were some people there from my old church, and one from the one i go to now, and Megan(one who goes to my church) said she was going to invite me, but she forgot.

Funny how often they forget isn't it.

Anyway, i must go, mostly because i am running out of things to say so...


Silence is the perfectest herald of joy, I were but little happy if I could say how much
Shakespeare (Much Ado About Nothing, I think)


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