21 February 2007

Plays and such....

Well, i am now extrememly tired after getting back from London last night at around half 12, then having pancakes!
My drama teacher organised a trip to see Coram Boy at the National Theatre. It was great! In some places extremely hard hitting, and in others brilliantly funny. Anyone who is remotely interested in theatre should see this play, i loved it.

Anyway i wont say anymore or else i will end up spoil the plot!

I got my history coursework assignment A marks yesterday, i got A* (24/25) after which i asked my teacher what i could do to get the last mark (on future essays), and he said probably one of the worst things he could have said being: "Yes, when i sat down to mark yours i thought before i started that you would get full marks."
meaning that instead of managing to convince myself that i had done as well as i could, i now feel like i have failed entirely, plus, i messed up on something really silly!

Anyway, enough ranting, and i must get ready for school

Better to write for yourself and to have no public, than to write for the public and have no self
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974)


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