25 February 2007

To update....

Having not posted for a while, i decided it was time to update.

I have had a relatively busy weekend, and going out on Friday night completely threw my internal clock. I don't usually go out on Fridays, so when i do, it feels like Saturday, Saturday feels like Sunday, making me completely confused. Oh well.

Friday night was great, I went to a christian concert thing, but it was more like an extended worship session, because there was a talk as well. The speaker was great, although at some points she really touched a nerve, but still brilliant.
The songs were good, but the worship was slightly too (not sure if this is the right word but...) evangelical, for what I'm used too, it was a bit like the church i used to go to, but having not been there in almost a year, I'm not used to it anymore.
But i still enjoyed it so... plus i actually got invited somewhere which was like yay! There were some people there from my old church, and one from the one i go to now, and Megan(one who goes to my church) said she was going to invite me, but she forgot.

Funny how often they forget isn't it.

Anyway, i must go, mostly because i am running out of things to say so...


Silence is the perfectest herald of joy, I were but little happy if I could say how much
Shakespeare (Much Ado About Nothing, I think)


21 February 2007

Plays and such....

Well, i am now extrememly tired after getting back from London last night at around half 12, then having pancakes!
My drama teacher organised a trip to see Coram Boy at the National Theatre. It was great! In some places extremely hard hitting, and in others brilliantly funny. Anyone who is remotely interested in theatre should see this play, i loved it.

Anyway i wont say anymore or else i will end up spoil the plot!

I got my history coursework assignment A marks yesterday, i got A* (24/25) after which i asked my teacher what i could do to get the last mark (on future essays), and he said probably one of the worst things he could have said being: "Yes, when i sat down to mark yours i thought before i started that you would get full marks."
meaning that instead of managing to convince myself that i had done as well as i could, i now feel like i have failed entirely, plus, i messed up on something really silly!

Anyway, enough ranting, and i must get ready for school

Better to write for yourself and to have no public, than to write for the public and have no self
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974)


19 February 2007

Hello and Welcome


So... This would be my introduction to my blog. I used to have a blog on another host, but i never wrote on it. So I finally decided that I would begin again. I used to write a lot and at the momment cannot write anything, therefore, I thought writing a blog, just about day to day stuff, might prompt me to begin writing again! So here goes................

I am writing this in between writing a physics essay on nuclear medicine, it was due in today, but I "forgot" my book, and am handing it in tomorrow. Oh the joys of GCSE's, this isn't even a piece of coursework! Anyway, I am going into as much medical jargon as possible, partly to annoy my teacher and partly because it's just more fun that way!

It has come to that time of year again, where all of us who know what I am talking about start counting down the days to Kestrels. For those who do not know what this is, it is a Christian sailing holiday, which takes place during the Easter break, on the Norfolk Broads. It is an event which i spend around 6 months of the year looking forward to, the other 6 months being taken up with looking forward to Kestrels Reunion! I have such a fulfilling life!
Anyway, it is 6 weeks till Kestrels (40 days) which shows just how sad I really am! But, between now and then, i do get to look forward to seeing one or both of my closest friends. I can only see one on the only weekend it is possible to see either, oh well!

Anyway, physics beckons, I shall leave you all with a quote in keeping with the season:
Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999)
and a goodbye