12 March 2008

Might as welll.....

Just so I can pretend I even occasionally update this!

Seven things to do before I die

Be happy
Visit Every continent
Cycle the Tour de France
Sail across the atlantic
Updaten my blog at least once a month!
Learn to forgive
Act in The Crucible

Seven things I cannot do

Swim under water
See the end of my exams in sight
Afford to do, well, anything!
Get involved emotionally
Put myself before everyone else
Dance well enough (although 'well enough' is such a rough measure....)

Seven things that might attract me to my spouse:

Someone who likes me enough to stop me when I try to run away
Someone who'll understand when I need a hug, or when I just need someone there
Someone who reads as much as I do, and wont tease me for enjoying it
Someone who doesn't immediately fall in love with me, but when they do tells me often
Someone who will laugh with me
Someone who can dance (I know this is the same as yours Ru, but its true!!!)
Someone who understands me, and loves me anyway.

Seven things I say most often:

"Ya think...."

Seven books (or series) I love:

Pride and Prejudice
Stardust ('cos everyone needs a faerytale based on nursery rhymes!)
The Time Travellers Wife
Going Postal
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)

Pride and Prejudice (technically a TV series but....)
Phantom of the Opera
Moulin Rouge
Ever After
The Shawshank Redemption
Finding Neverland

Seven people I want to join in, too (no pressure – if you hate this sort of thing just ignore it)

Roo (technically she already has but....)
Anyone else who wants to

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