17 November 2007

Every Time

Every few months or so I look at this and say, I really must start udating this, it would be reallygood to do something with my blog or even, I wish I wrote more. This usually prompts a couple of seconds consideration before I am distracted by my huge pile of work, a good book, a family member or a crappy T.V program that I really wish I had never watched. So as you see the updating of my blog fails before it has ever begun.

This time though, I thought, well you really have got nothing better to do, so many people who have much fuller lives than you manage to update at least semi-regulrly, and yet you manage to spend a good proportion of your time doing nothing, and yet still not achieve something as simple as updat your blog.

So here it is, for all those of you who still occasionally check whether I write anything, an update on the fabulous world of... well... me.

So, lets see, well, I have been ill for about 9 weeks now with undiagnosed stomach pain, I have been referred to paediatrics at the local hospital, and am undergoing several fun tests. I reckon that by now I'm definitely owed my cup of juice and a biscuit, they've taken at least a pint of blood for blood tests now. Lots of fun stuff.

My mocks for my GCSE's rush up with alarming speed, they begin in a week, and teachers have only just started giving us topics for revision.

And of course, inevitably I have looked round the notable sixth-forms in the area. I think my mind is made up to go to Hills Road, to study History, English Literature, Politics and Latin.

School, when I go, seems to drag by, slower than ever as I get more and more eager to move on, grow up, leave.

And life in general, well, fine, a little boring, slow, as usual, no social life, illness has put a stop to dancing, but I hope to be better soon!

Anyway, definitely long enough for a post, maybe not so long an abscence next time.


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