29 March 2007

2 Days to Go

And with only two days to go until Kestrels once again begins, we find emma......

........sitting doing nothing!

Yes that right, i still have not packed, or cooked, or any of the usual things a true Kestrel leaves until the last minute, despite having had the last 3 days off school and having the time to do such things!

I have bee reliably informed that most of my friends are in high stages of hyperness waiting for this momentous event, myself, i find rather less so. Odd you may ask? Indeed, but I find that hyperness takes up energy needlessly, when it could be put to much better use doing...... something or other.

Well, between now and KEstrels i have so much to look forward to! erm...... there's parents evening tonight, where i get assured that i must have speant hours on my work, and that i really do go above and beyond what is necessary. I wish someone would tell me before hand what I do, so I could at least try and do it!
......There's cooking tomorrow with ruth.... wait, thats for Kestrels too, erm.... there mut be something else, oo, I might just get a birthday present from someone, or at least, I might get a card from susannah!

See... plenty of things.
Anyway, school beckons, only two days left!

And i leave you with this quote that has nothing whatsoever to do with my post, enjoy!

It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)


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