29 March 2007

2 Days to Go

And with only two days to go until Kestrels once again begins, we find emma......

........sitting doing nothing!

Yes that right, i still have not packed, or cooked, or any of the usual things a true Kestrel leaves until the last minute, despite having had the last 3 days off school and having the time to do such things!

I have bee reliably informed that most of my friends are in high stages of hyperness waiting for this momentous event, myself, i find rather less so. Odd you may ask? Indeed, but I find that hyperness takes up energy needlessly, when it could be put to much better use doing...... something or other.

Well, between now and KEstrels i have so much to look forward to! erm...... there's parents evening tonight, where i get assured that i must have speant hours on my work, and that i really do go above and beyond what is necessary. I wish someone would tell me before hand what I do, so I could at least try and do it!
......There's cooking tomorrow with ruth.... wait, thats for Kestrels too, erm.... there mut be something else, oo, I might just get a birthday present from someone, or at least, I might get a card from susannah!

See... plenty of things.
Anyway, school beckons, only two days left!

And i leave you with this quote that has nothing whatsoever to do with my post, enjoy!

It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)


25 March 2007

Nottingham Photos and Overview

Yesterday my family and I went to Nottingham to see my friend John (Left)

We had a brief tour of Nottingham University:

Visited Sites of Great Importance:

Ate some food:

And Generally Had Fun:

Oo oo and finally got a decent picture of me and John (in the other one he look pregnant and I looked ill).

04 March 2007

And I'm back

Realising I haven't updated in a while and remembering the reason I began this blog, I thought I should endevor to post again.

I have had a mediocre week, I've been getting quite stressed and for some reason consequently my history and english has begun to suffer (my two best subjects), my head of year, knowing my reasons for stress said she would talk to my english teacher and my history teacher. I asked her yesterday what she had said and she said she had spoken to my english teacher but not yet had a chance to talk to my history one. Which actually made me quite happy, due to the fact that he's been really nice and understanding about the fact that I'm not working much at the moment, and telling me not to worry about stuff (he doesn't know what stuff by the way), but he was doing this without my head of year talking to him. Which made me feel slightly better.
Oo, talking about history, I aught to try and do the homework he set...

Saturday was good, me and michael went to see Hot Fuzz, it is an awesome film, so funny, not really for people who are squeamish, but i enjoyed it so......
I also got new shoes which make me taller by several inches, which is brilliant!!!! I'm not ecessively short, but I wouldnt mind being taller.

I am currently re-reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, an excellent book, a vampire story, with a lot mor reference to Vlad Tepes, (the Tepes has a lot of funny accent thingt that i cannot be bothered to work out how to add so...) and his history, rather than just the Dracula myth. It is a very good book, hence the fact that I am re-reading it, and i would recommend it to anyone about me age or above.

Anyway, church beckons

Those who cannot remember the past and condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana(1863-1952)
